Dental Services Hungary
Dental Implants, Veneers, & Cosmetic Dentistry

Veneers Price Enquiry
Emax Veneers Price Enquiry
Dental Implants – Personal Quotation Requests
Ask The Dentist
Request Estimate
Arrange Consultation
Arrange UK CT Scan
Arrange UK CT Scan
CT Scans in Bristol, Birmingham, Leeds, London, Manchester or Nottingham – Treatment Plan & Quote by email – Treatment in Hungary
- CT Scan using Specialist Dental Scanning Technology
- Attendance by appointment – no long queues in waiting rooms
- Detailed and precise mapping of your teeth and jaws
- Assessment in Hungary by expert dental surgeon
- Detailed treatment plan and firm quotation by email before you travel
No two individuals are identical and if you need dental implants or complex cosmetic dentistry we can only give general guidance before you arrive at our surgery in Hungary. However, you need to plan the length of your stay here and to know exactly what costs you are facing.
To remove all doubt we have made arrangements with a leading, independent imaging centre in Central London to offer CT Scanning services to our patients.
The Process
- If you want to remove all doubts before you make your journey to Hungary then simply complete the form below and click the ‘send’ button. We will then confirm the next convenient appointment date for you.
- You then travel to Bristol, Birmingham, Leeds, Central London (West End), Manchester (Altringham) or to Nottingham and our colleagues at the imaging centre will look after you and take the scan – you will pay them direct.
- The imaging centre will email the scan to us and it will be reviewed by Professor Szabo personally.
- The Professor will email you his treatment recommendations, together with a firm quotation as to cost.
- If you decide to proceed with treatment then we will arrange your visit for you.
- We will discount you final dental bill by the amount you paid in London for the Scan
Online Enquiry Form
Please complete the form to the left. Answer all questions using the numbered chart to the right to identify any teeth that concern you.
We will contact you by email the next working day with details of directions, costs, available appointment times, directions etc

- 3rd Molar (Wisdom Tooth)
- 2nd Molar
- 1st Molar
- 2nd Premolar (Bicuspid)
- 1st Premolar (Bicuspid)
- Canine (eye tooth or Cuspid)
- Lateral incisor
- Central incisor
- Central incisor
- Lateral incisor
- Canine (eye tooth or Cuspid)
- 1st Premolar (Bicuspid)
- 2nd Premolar (Bicuspid)
- 1st Molar
- 2nd Molar
- 3rd Molar (Wisdom Tooth)
- 3rd Molar (Wisdom Tooth)
- 2nd Molar
- 1st Molar
- 2nd Premolar (Bicuspid)
- 1st Premolar (Bicuspid)
- Canine (eye tooth or Cuspid)
- Lateral incisor
- Central incisor
- Lateral incisor
- Canine (eye tooth or Cuspid)
- 1st Premolar (Bicuspid)
- 2nd Premolar (Bicuspid)
- 1st Molar
- 2nd Molar
- 3rd Molar (Wisdom Tooth)
- 3rd Molar (Wisdom Tooth
Problems with this Form?
If you have any difficulty sending this form or if you want to send us photos or x-rays as attachments please send a free format email Click Here
Prof Dr Janos Szabo, 8380 Hévíz, Egregyi u. 13.
Heviz|Our Surgery|Your Visit|Our Team|Terms & Conditions|Dental Surgery|Prices/Guarantee